It's finally turned cold here -- and beautifully bright and sunny. There's frost in the mornings and I've revived my winter ritual of sitting in front of the pellet stove in the mornings with a cup of coffee. Ah, the little pleasures!
Other little pleasures: fresh air and a glimpse of the world through a toddler's eyes. We've been collecting sticks lately.
This deck of this boardwalk was slick with frost in the shady spots but thawed and dried instantly when the sun hit it.
Miss S's older cousin sometimes visits for the morning, so we had company on this walk. The girls got their gum boots wet in the lake then sat side by side on the dock for a snack of oranges and almonds. There are some very sweet pictures of them together, but I try not to post other people's children here.
I'd be interested to know what others do with photos of other people, especially kids. Do you get permission, completely avoid posting them, or just go for it?
Finally, I have finally posted these new placemats in the shop. It took longer than expected to finish them off, but here they are. I think they're perfect for winter -- not overtly Christmas-y, but filled with mountains and forests and woodland critters in cool snowy colours.
Thanks for visiting, and please remember to leave me a comment if you have thoughts on the photo issue.