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Friday, 11 April 2014

A Personal Photo Challenge: Up Close

I've been noticing some teeny tiny blooms this spring.  Lichens and mosses cling to rocks and walls and trees and put on their own itty bitty displays of colour.  They also sit still longer than my toddler so they make excellent subjects for a little camera experimentation.  Specifically, I'm learning how to control depth of field in Aperture Priority mode. 

These lichen were tricky to photograph, partly because they're so small (about a centimeter tall) and partly because I had to all but crawl off a rock face to get down to their level.  No tripod here, but I think I held my breath while I squeezed the shutter.

These ones where more accessible.  In fact, they appeared right at eye level as I came around a corner in the trail.  I really like all the different textures and colours here.  I count at least four (maybe five) different kinds of lichen and moss.  Does anyone know what they're called?

Finally, a satin flower from my recent wild flower spotting expedition.  I especially like this picture because it includes a sense of the flower's setting.

All photos are taken with my Nickon 1J2 in aperture priority mode.

I'm participating again in Donna's Personal Photo Challenge.  Every month I learn something that helps me take better pictures, and it's fun, of course, to see what others are up to.


  1. Your pictures are amazing. And you live in such a beautiful area. You obviously know what you're doing with your photography! I enjoyed visiting.

  2. Great captures, Cristal! You are becoming a pro with that camera.

  3. Wonderful photos, Cristal. Love the lichen with the teeny red tops. You've really achieved something special.
    I laughed about the lichens staying still longer than the toddler. So true!

  4. I can't imagine how you achieved the photo of the lichen with the tiny red top hats, so cool! The photo of the lone flower has a lovely sense of place too.

  5. I like the little red caps on the lichen in the first photo, flower buds perhaps? The second photo looks like a sedum in the middle and the whole group has fabulous colour and texture. A lone satin flower that looks striking against the blurred background.

  6. Hi Cristal! Your photos are amazing! That purple flower bud is so lovely. I would have to say that macro photography is like crack...(not that I know this from personal experience) but I find it quite addictive!

  7. Oh this is great! I see British Redcoats and fairy rings...now what they're really called I have no idea. Beautiful photography.

  8. That first photo is amazing. When we hike, we always see that if you look closely, there are lots of colors you don't notice at first. You took wonderful photos and it's fun to learn from each other. I need to keep trying! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. Great macro shots Cristal!
    Your first one of the lichen is beautiful - those bright red tips of flowers - WOW.
    You did so well to get that shot - it seems like we almost need to be acrobats to get some photos!!!
    I imagine little Miss was with her Gran while you did this!!

  10. You've gotten some beautiful shots Cristal...just lovely. I know how hard it is to get those moss shots..but they are so worth it.


  11. What lovely photos. I am so impressed with them all.

  12. I'm so glad to hear that you are experimenting with aperture priority! I shoot in that mode about 98% of the time, LOL. You got a terrific blurred background effect in all of these photos. Those little plants are so cute! And I especially like your composition of the last one. It is a great example of how you can use a background to compliment your subject and provide the viewer more information about the overall setting. I always look forward to seeing the fruits of your creativity!

  13. Love those Lichen shots lovely backgrounds on them!

  14. Great shots Cristal!! You've used the aperture priority/depth of field so effectively! My favorite is the second shot with all the various types of lichen. I used to live on the north end of Vanc. Island - loved the mild winter...

  15. Oh, these are all Beautifully done! Love the colors!

  16. I am quite impressed with your photography...and with your experimenting with new settings! I keep telling myself to venture out, but then I keep taking photos in automatic. Sigh...

    Great job, Cristal!

  17. Great shots. That bright red in the first picture is amazing. My favorite though was your 2nd photo.

  18. These are wonderful photos. Love the moss and lichens.
